Year — 2020

Creating a people-centric banking experience

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About the project

Contrary to their competitors, who are increasingly shifting their focus to digital channels and closing off physical bank branches, they maintain the biggest branch network in the entire country.

  • Line of business
  • Photos
  • We delivered
    Branding system / Communication design / Stationary design
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Client needs

We worked together to translate the “Closer to you” positioning statement of Šiaulių bankas to a visual language that subtly communicates this message to both its core clientele and potential customers.

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Design value

To communicate the main value of closeness, we created a custom linear pattern, accompanied by a new pastel color palette comprised of gentle earthy tones. The delicate shades convey the bank’s hospitality and friendly relationship with its customers.

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Identity system

To personify the core value of Šiaulių bankas – a direct and close connection to their clients – we chose an irregular, rounded line and scaled it across posters and digital platforms.

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Taking the feeling of closeness further, we have chosen to feature real people instead of models in the visual campaign. Bank employees, clients, friends and family—people who are among us every day. By doing so we changed the image of Šiaulių bankas from the mundane bank next door bank to a memorable, go-to financial partner.

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Banking cards

The design of the new bank cards features the same linear pattern in different colour combinations. Each card reveals different plans that Šiaulių bankas suggests – either for credit or debit card holders. For the latter, the branded line even becomes silver or gold, indicating a specific plan they have. This play of different colour and shape combinations speaks of the flexibility that Šiaulių bankas provides to all of its customers.

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“The versatile line, colour palette and style of the pictures create a seamless and personal visual language that emphasizes professionalism combined with attentiveness to the client’s needs.”

— Paulius Pocius / Director of Marketing and Communication Department of Šiaulių bankas